
In accordance with its Constitution, it is the Club’s primary objective is to promote and encourage the participation in sport, particularly Rugby Union, of adults and young people of Porthcawl and its surrounding area.

The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on the 25th May 2018 and replaces the Data Protection Act 1998

We want to keep in touch with you but can only do so with your express consent. If you would like to continue receiving Club related News and updates on Events & Functions being held at South Road, you must ‘Opt-In’ by completing a new 2024-25 Membership Form.

You can complete the general membership form for parents and supporters here

Membership Forms are also available from behind the Bar or by contacting us for one to be posted to you

The Clubs’ Data Protection Policy Statement & Membership Forms are available to download below.

If your child would like to join our minis or juniors please get in touch as there is a separate form for that.